Updated on Wednesday, July 26, 2023
A method that helps teams map how one or more users move into, through, and out of a product or service ecosystem. Includes templates and facilitation guide.
Journey Maps, one of the most versatile and useful methods, map how users move into and out of a product ecosystem. You can even map a user's journey across an entire experience. Journey maps help teams list concrete, understandable touchpoints to learn how user's find, access, convert, and return to the product. Journey maps work for products, services, green field, redesigns, and retrofits.
Difficulty | Anyone can do this |
Participants | Up to 6 with or without experience |
Time | 45 minutes (in-person), 1hour 15 minutes (remote) based on complexity and length of the journey |
Materials | Standard stuff: a way to collect ideas and a place to collect them |
journey-map.pptx (133.11 kB). Last modified 07/26/20
Your team is ready to start building, but how do you make sure you build the right things the right way? How do you know what you build will be findable and useful for your users?
The journey map represents a concrete list of touchpoints you can understand, build, and optimize. Each touchpoint can translate into user stories, or use the journey map can like a user story map and identify a minimum viable product or plan sprints and releases.
Because Journey Maps align your team around concrete view of the product and the product's ecosystem, journey maps are ideal for kickoffs and development for any kind of product.
Although most useful during solution definition, use Journeys Maps at any stage to identify ways to improve conversion, adoption, and reuse for your product.
Maps the current state to identify pain points and opportunities for new products and places where a new product could provide value to users.
With a vision for a new product, map the future state of the product's ecosystem to reveal critical touchpoints where new users convert and touchpoints that are more or less important to the user's experience where you need to make it easy for the user to leave and return to your product.
With existing products, journey maps illustrate identify key touchpoints to optimize or redesign.
You may need more or less detailed ways to map systems. Try more detailed methods to map specific features of a system:
If you're not ready to create a Journey Map, try more general ways to map systems:
Austin Govella provides detailed instructions and facilitation tips for Journey Maps in chapter 16 of his book, Collaborative Product Design. You can view chapter 16 online via O’Reilly’s Safari Books.
James Kalbach wrote a comprehensive and definitive book on Mapping Experiences that covers service blueprints, customer journey maps, experience maps, mental model diagrams, spatial maps, and ecosystem models. You can read the book online via O’Reilly’s Safari Books.
Jeff Patton and Peter Economy wrote a book about User Story Mapping. You can read the book online via O’Reilly’s Safari Books.
Austin based touchpoint analysis on a service blueprint approach by Erik Flowers and Megan Erin Miller at Practical Service Design. In addition, they wrote useful article on The difference between a journey map and a service blueprint.
Touchpoint map
For a single touchpoint, this method helps you understand the user, task, and channel, and optimize the steps, data, content, and processes needed to support the touchpoint.
Updated 529 days ago ago.
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Business landscape canvas (method)
A method that helps teams build a shared vision for where their organization is headed and what external factors are at play.